Monday, January 30, 2012

What is the deal with the subliminal Transformers advertising between replays in the ALCS?

I can't be the only one that picked up on it, seriously..What is the deal with the subliminal Transformers advertising between replays in the ALCS?I saw them too; they were used as wipes when switching from/to replays and live action.

The deal is just that: it's an advertising deal.

Personally, I think it's stupid.What is the deal with the subliminal Transformers advertising between replays in the ALCS?Thank god there are others who saw this, I tried to point it out to my freinds, but it was always to late by the time they looked up at the screen.

The movie is known well enough by now, their's no need for the advertisement, besides their's other things out their worth advertising.

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What is the deal with the subliminal Transformers advertising between replays in the ALCS?Dang!!! So THAT'S why I bought this Coke! I NEVER drink Coke. Thanks for the heads up!!!What is the deal with the subliminal Transformers advertising between replays in the ALCS?
we're probably gonna be invaded by them in a few hours


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