Friday, January 20, 2012

If you knew this, tell me!?

If you knew the below information, just tell me, and be honest, its for a class study.

Birth Control Risk Rates:

Condoms work 95% of the time. When condoms are used with Spermicide, it works 99% of the time, if you or your partner are on the pill, using condoms, and using spermicide, it works 99.99% of the time. (Facts provided by Life Science from Pearson Prentice Hall inc.)If you knew this, tell me!?
Yes I did know this and the KEY thing with your information is that those facts are accurate IF THEY ARE USED AND/OR TAKEN PROPERLY!

How many 12, 13, 14 yr old boys know how to properly put on and remove a condom. How many young kids even know what a spermicide is! How many 13, 14, 15 yr old girls are going to remember to take a birth control pill every day when all they can think about is "am I pretty" or "he stared at me on the bus, does that mean he loves me". How many young kids carry condoms with them or are already on the pill before they become sexually active so they are prepared just in case? How many young girls agree to let her boyfriend do it just once without the condom because it feels better that way.

There a lot of young pregnant teenage girls out there and they didn't get that way because the condoms and spermicide and birth control are 99.99% effective!

Sooooo, don't get too tired of people who give warnings! Besides, if only 5% out of every 100 14 yr old girls gets pregnant, that's 5% too many!
learn-edIf you knew this, tell me!?
I've heard something like this before, but I'm actually surprised that condoms work that well. ^_^
yeah, i knew thatIf you knew this, tell me!?
so whats the point of being on the pill!!!! haha but no i didnt know that i always thought it was like a 90%
don't condoms work 97% of the time?

But the rest I knew...
yes i know
what about the other 1 to 5%
wow i did not know that and did not really want to know that at my age

what the heck is spermicide
in australia the chance of a condom breaking is one in a thousand so i cant help you there, maybe we have better manufacturing standards i dunno. condoms and pill mean no eggs are still
Taking into account human error and booze these numbers are probably a little high
A condom in good condition (new, no weak points) will work 95% of the time when properly used, (99% of the time with spermicide, and 99.99% when used in combination with properly taken birth control (oral, vaginal, etc.))

Not everyone uses them properly, though, and not every woman takes her birth control properly, either..
yes condoms can break

but its not very often

ive been sexually active for about 2 years

n that has never happened to me or any of my close friends

i know a certain individual that it has happened to

it depends how careful you are with the condoms

never keep em compressed, like in a wallet

the chemicals can ruin the latex and then they break

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