Friday, January 20, 2012

Which textbooks are actually worth Buying?

here's a list of text books for my curriculum, mg university sem 8 Computer science

please tell me what textbooks are really worth buying ,ie will have some use after i pass out

also please tell me if you know some better alternatives

1. Module1, 4 Network Security Essentials Applications %26amp; Standards, William S., Pearson Education Asia

2. Module2 Modern operating System, Andrew S. Tanenbaum,Pearson Education Asia

3. Using JAVA 2 platform, Joseph L. Weber, Prentice Hall of India

4. Module3 Cryptography and network security principles and practice, William Stallings, Pearson Education Asia

5. Information theory coding and cryptography, RanjanBose, TMH

6. Module 4,5 Designing securityArchitecture Solutions, Jay Ramachandran, Wiley Dreamtech

7. Module5 Database SecurityMechanisms for Computer Network, Sead Muftic, John wiles


1. Security in Computing - Charles P Pfleeger IEEE Computer Science Press

2. Database Security Mechanisms for Computer Network- Sead Muftic, John wiles

3. Designing Security Architecture Solutions 鈥?Jay Ramachandran, Wiley dreamtech

4. Firewalls Complete - Marcus Gonsalvus, TMH

5. Networking Technologies - Jaisal, Galgotia Publication

6. Security in Computer Operating System - G.O.Shea, NCC Blackwell Manchester Oxford

7. Mastering JAVA security Cryptography, Algorithms and Architecture - Rich Helton, Wiley Dreamtech

8. Implementing IPv6- Mark A. Mille P.E, IDG Books

Computer Architecture %26amp; Parallel Processing - Kai Hwang %26amp; FayeA.Briggs, McGraw Hill

Elements of Parallel computing - V.Rajaraman - PHI

Super Computers - V. Rajaraman -Wiely arstern

Parellel Processing for Super Computers %26amp; AI - Kai Hwange %26amp; Douglas Degneot Mc Graw Hill

Highly parallel computing - George

S. Almasi, Allan Gottlieb 鈥?Benjamin Cumings Publishers.

High Performance Computer Architecture - Harold S. Stone,Addison Wesley.

Advanced Computing - Vijay P.Bhatkar, Asok V.Joshi, Arirban Basu, Asok K.Sharma.

1. Programming Languages, Design%26amp; Implementation - Terrence W. Pratt, Marvin V. Zelkowitz., PearsonEducation Asia / Prentice Hall of India

Programming Languages - Robert WSebesta, Pearson EducationAsia

1. Artificial Intelligence 鈥?A modern approach, Stuact Russell 鈥?Peter Narang, Pearson Education Asia

2. Artificial Intelligence Rich E. - McGraw Hill Booq Company

Module 5

Artificial Intelligence, George F Luger, Pearson Education Asia

An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 鈥?Eugene Charniak %26amp; Drew McDermot, Pearson Education


Neural Computing Theory %26amp; Practice Philip D. Wasserman.

1. Frontiers of Electronic Commerce - Ravi Kalakota %26amp; Andrew B Whinston,Pearson Education Asia

Global Electronic Commerce 鈥?J Christopher Westland %26amp; Theodore H K Clark

E- Commerce The cutting edge of Business - Kamlesh K Bajaj %26amp; Debjani Nag

E-Commerce - Strategy,Technologies and Applications, TMHWhich textbooks are actually worth Buying?
none. torrents are your friend. also, you'll probably only need small sections of each book, not the entire book. second hand copies are good too.

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